Friday, May 15, 2009

The blind leading the blind...

Well, if there is any type of legacy that I am certain to leave with my children, unfortunately, it will be poor eyesight. Yep, that's right....Blake got glasses, and apparently REALLY needed them! Last week when I dropped into Blake's class to say hi to Mrs. Rio, she mentioned that he was having trouble seeing the whiteboard and the overhead. I told her that I hadn't noticed because my children sit 2 inches from the T.V. whether they can see it or not, so how would I know? I thanked her for letting me know and came right home (had a small private episode of mom guilt. Complete with tears.) and made an appointment. So yesterday was THE day. Blake was really excited to go, as I had pepped him up for it. (I don't like my kids to be afraid of doctors, dentists, I always make a huge-o deal about how great it is that we are going to have whatever type of exam we are going for. I mean honestly, I could make a colonoscopy sound like a trip to the circus if I had to...) So off we went and we waited....filled out the sent to another waiting room....waited....and finally it was our turn to see the doctor. Like I said, Blake was eager to be seen and I was too. There was only a moments hesitation on my part when the first thing she wanted him to do was put his chin/forehead against this machine and I thought...Panic of Panic....not the dreaded "eye puff". (O.K. people, I know you've seen the Friends episode and I am sure most of you have had first hand experience with it) If anything is gonna freak this kid out it will be blowing anything INTO his eye. I only had to suffer in silence for a minute though, until I realized it was simply going to be a light to check eye health. Disaster averted....Whew....Go ahead, shine all the high intensity laser beams you want into my child's eye, anything but the "puff"!
The rest of the exam went ahead without incident. Blake was very cooperative and upbeat. He even did a small jig/cheer when she announced that he indeed needed glasses. Yeah.....When Rob got home from work we all went out together and had him try on glasses and picked out the perfect pair for him. They were even able to make them right away, so that he was all set for school today! I sent him off this morning with his glasses, cleaning cloth and my own personal arsenal of "4-eyes" rebuttals, just in case..... Tune in next week to see how Abbey's appointment goes. I can hardly wait.
Check out my Facebook page for the other photos.....


  1. I can't believe Adam didn't mention his new glasses. I think he's really cute!
    My eyes were watering just READING about the puff...

  2. What a great mom!! an arsenal of 4-eye come backs. Good thinking! I hated the laser beams! I cried. But thats okay b/c I am the mom! right?
