Sunday, May 17, 2009

Oh.....Surface Wash Only.....

Don't you love it when you're unloading the washer and find money in the bottom? Yeah....Free Money! But don't you hate it when you get down to the bottom and find your cell phone.....I'll admit that with as much laundry as I do, I still tend to wash "unwashables" quite frequently. Fortunately I am able to fix, hide or replace most of these without anyone knowing, other times I am not so lucky. Some of my latest laundering misshaps have been Rob's passport, upon his return from Africa. (Still recognizable, but will have to be replaced.) Rob's CompactFlash card. (Now this is a true story of survival, it made it through the washer AND the dryer and is still functioning properly....Surprise Honey!) And most recently MY cell phone, which did not fare so well. I am not usually a believer in Karma, but I may make an exception in this case...Rob calls it carelessness, but I prefer to call it being preoccupied.
Anyways, when I found my poor, lifeless phone at the bottom of it's watery grave, my first thought was..." that's why it didn't ring when I called it earlier" (I do this on a daily basis just to find my cell phone). My next thought was, "ugh...I'm gonna be in trouble....again...."Lucky for me we had a babysitter last night so I was able to out myself with a witness present. I told her that if she needed to reach us this evening, she would have to call Rob's cell phone, as mine had met an untimely end...Poor Rob, he has been waiting for months for me to give in and want an Iphone, so that he can give me his and get the "newer" Iphone. I am anti-texting, picture taking, coffee-making with a phone (I just want to speak to you) I don't feel like I need one. Today's episode only strengthens my case. I don't think it would survive for long....Oh well, gotta run, my DVD just popped out of the toaster....mmm....crispy!


  1. I had a friend accidently flush hers down the toilet - never to be retrieved.

  2. Okay...mine was in the toilet but I retrieved it just before it was flushed away. Still worked too. Yes...I did disinfect!!!!
    I've dropped one in the bottom of a lake that did not survive.

  3. I had to get a land line just to find my cell on a daily basis! Good luck girlfriend!
