Friday, May 8, 2009

Sniff...Sniff....Is that you Papa?

They say that the sense of smell is one of the strongest memory triggers. I would tend to agree. At our house, the smell of coffee means Papa is in town. (I can’t be certain, but I am pretty sure that there is a mathematical proof that supports this. Mathematicians at MIT and Cal-Sci are still working out the bugs, but…. I think it is called the “Papa-radic” Equation, X + Y = Z, where X is Papa, Y is ANY type of coffee and Z is Happy and in town….) All I have to do is pull out the coffee pot and the kids start asking, “Is Papa here? Is Papa here?” or we casually walk past a Star Bucks and immediately, they ask, “oh…is Papa in there?” Rob and I even tricked them once by lighting a coffee scented candle….cruel, I know…
Well anyways, hide your Folgers people, Papa is indeed in town and we are having a great time! Roger and Deb arrived on Monday afternoon from North Dakota and we have kept them hopping ever since. They were at the school to meet the twins on Monday and the kids were so happy to see them. We headed home and everyone played outside for a bit while I got the Spaghetti going. After supper, Rob, Papa and Blake went up to hit some golf balls, where Papa was kind enough to demonstrate his “windmill” technique, over…and over….and over…. Blake is giving him some pointers.
Deb took the other kids out for a walk around the neighborhood….or somewhere….Now Deb is a self-proclaimed “directionally-challenged” person, which I might have considered more seriously before sending her off to blindly follow a six year old and a 15 month old. They were gone for quite a while. Apparently Deb thought Abbey knew where they were going and Abbey thought Deb knew where they were going…so you see the problem. Fortunately, mere seconds before Deb was forced to stand in the street, holding Kasey high above her head shouting "Does anyone know where this baby lives?!", a friendly gentleman pointed her back to our street....Upon their return, Rob suggested a handheld GPS for her next expedition, my vote was for the under-the-skin locater chip....
The fun just keeps coming with more golf, hockey games, soccer games and the twin's Spring Music Program. We even enjoyed a nice round of "Spaceman" the other night. In this game, everyone takes turns putting on Papa's Sleep Apnea Machine Mask and saying "I'm a spaceman! I'm an astronaut!" while I photograph....good times, good times....
It's great to have them here. They really help with entertaining the kids. And my job? Well that's easy.....just keep the food coming.....


  1. I've been away from blogging for a few weeks. Yes..I did get a few chuckles from you post!
    Glad you have family in town and are enjoying your visit.

  2. Good times! I love spaghetti! And I love when my parents come to visit! Walks around the neighborhood are popular here, too. Nobody has gotten lost yet.

  3. The Spaceman game had me laughing. You house sounds like fun!

  4. the sniff sniff is that grandpa title could have gone... somewhere eles. : )
