Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I can do a Tuesday at.., oh wait no, How about a Friday at..., nope, nope...

The last couple of weeks has found me slightly behind on the blogging, but with good reason. With summer upon us, I have been obsessed with setting up the activity calendar for the next few months. I tend to be rather organized (Rob would say "freakishly so..."), but with four kids and a husband, I find that my sanity demands it! There are so many great things that the kids (and I) want them to be a part of, it's just a matter of coordinating the times and days. So out come the calendars and the color coded pens and I'm off! Soccer Camp, Go! Y-Camp, Go! VBS x 4, Go! T-Ball, Swimming Lessons, Weddings, Go, Go, Go!!! I can't be stopped!
The calendars in the photo are my "on the go" set. There is a GIANT replica of these on the back of my kitchen door for everyone's viewing pleasure...Again, Rob has tried to help by suggesting some sort or electronic organizer/calendar thing, but I decline. I need to see the "whole" picture at the same time and in "human-size" font.
Anyhow, after endlessly pouring over schedules and calendars and assorted multi-colored fliers it all came together in the end. There were only a few "over-laps", one heated telephone exchange, a small monetary bribe and I still owe someone at the Saginaw Township Parks Office a pie......but it will be worth it, right??

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh you're too much! Those fliers never seem to end. Soon school will be out and I won't see them again for months! I am afraid that we will be going up to mackinaw and the summer will come to an end and I will have nothing to show for it but a big belly and some pictures of horses. : ) have fun!
    My kids are going to Messiah lutherans vbs (my mother in laws church) its always been great and the kids sing songs on friday they are all so cute. It's in July.
