Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yes, As a Matter of Fact, We Are VBS Junkies.....

Oh, Vacation Bible School, how we love thee.....The matching shirts, the repetitive theme songs, and the crafts...oh, the crafts....That's right, we can't get enough around here. Just hand my kids a popsicle stick crucifix and slap a kool-aid mustache on 'em and they're happy! We are currently, simultaneously in Rounds 2 and 3 of our VBS-ing for this year and IT'S ONLY JUNE!!
The twins kicked things off last week with a Space themed VBS at Grace Baptist. Good Time. As a service project the Boys vs. Girls had to bring in T-shirts to donate to (as Abbey said "Some kids in a place called Turkey who don't have ANY clothes"). So we would rummage through the closets eveyday when they got home and pull out a couple shirts. I think it's funny how my children suddenly became very attached to their Library Summer Reading shirts from 3 years ago. "Are you kidding me? You've worn that like 1 time.....and that was for a photo-op..." Whatever. They also engaged in the usual "offering challenge". So, of course before we left every morning, I would send them off to the depths of the sofa to get some offering.....and no, apparently petrified french fries don't count....The week ended with a nice song and dance number and pizza for all!
Since we had so much fun, we thought that this week we would kick it up a notch and go for 2-a -day! Oh yes....We have Holy Cross (finally, something for Cole....) in the mornings and Hopevale in the evenings. The Hopevale Bible Camp has turned into a whole family affair...Rob and I are "Guides" for one of the 1st grade groups and all of the kids are campers. Even little Kasey has a matching T-shirt and a class. Our neighbor girl, Adison, has been coming with us to both VBS's too.
The car rides to and from have really been rockin'. We have dubbed my truck the VBS Party Bus, fully equipped with both snacks and a CD of all the VBS music!! So every morning, we crank it up and rock it out. I love the loud music and all the singing kids, the tricky part for me is doing all the hand motions (while driving). I have found though that if I put down my driver's side window, it makes it a bit easier.....there's more room for all the flailing....
As for the photo....I don't always let my kids out like this. Only on special occasions, like Wacky Hair Night!
P.S. In the days between the time that I started writing this post and actually posting it, Cole was kicked out of the Holy Cross VBS.......ugh, the disgrace.....


  1. Can anyone get a ride in the rockin' VBS party mobile? Trevor had a great time at Hopevale also - it's always a fun one! Love the wacky hair.

  2. It's OK, Kyleen! Noah got kicked out of a Community Bible Study Children's Program last year. We can be disgraced parents together.

  3. Yeah, we need to hear Cole's story! What could a precious boy like that do to merit getting kicked out?
