Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lord, Where are you when I need you?

And he said unto me,"Riding Shotgun in your cupholder!" We have this Easter Playset, nothing gruesome, just the Resurrection Scene. My mom finds this stuff, I don't know where, but the kids love it. Last year, some of you may recall, several fights broke out among the children because everybody wanted to "be" Jesus. He's a popular guy... O.k. So this set has an empty tomb, 2 Roman Soldiers, a couple Marys, an angel (who is currently headless...I have the head and will attempt a reattachment later...) and the Man himself. Today, Cole had to take something for show and tell that represents why we celebrate Easter. After wrestling the chocolate bunny and plastic eggs away from him, he decided that he would take Jesus and the empty tomb. Fine, but of course I forgot it while I was busy herding everyone out the door this morning. Upon our arrival at school, he was quite disappointed, so I told him that I would go home and bring it to him at lunch time. And that's how the Christ ended up next to my cell phone and tic tacs (he actually prefers wintergreen). I'll be honest, it was a little strange and I kept feeling the need to talk to him. So I did. He didn't talk back, but I do feel like he thinks he was being funny when the song "Jesus Take the Wheel" suddenly came on the radio. Coincidence? I think not...


  1. As long as you don't have a mary a a bath tub in your front yard!

    Hah! I left andrews coat at the park today....hope its still there!!!

    I'm going to tell my friend Jenny L. to read your blog. She would be in stitches.

  3. Maybe we should all have a Jesus figure that we take with us where ever we go. We may be a little more consciouse of our behavior.

  4. You are probably right. I am sure we can get a deal on a Bulk Lot of Jesus figures from Oriental Trading. I'll look into it....

  5. Okay that was hilarious!
    HI I am Jenny. Kara's friend.
