Sunday, March 29, 2009

I AM......the Artisan

Well, you can all thank my lovely sister, Lisette, for this one. For my birthday she sent me a book called Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. When I opened it, my inital thought was, "Yeah Right, like I'll ever be able to do this." I have never made REAL bread before. Any bread I make calls for tons of sugar, tubs of icing or at the very least a banana. I don't even own a bread machine! (amazing how this One-Time use Christmas gift seemed to pass me by) Then, they don't even want me to use a pan? Free-Form??? Yikes! Anyways, after two weeks I finally relented and picked up the book. After reading the first few pages, I was like Great Balls of Flour! this is gonna be easy..... and delicious. So, armed with my dough hook and my shiny new pizza peel I set to work crafting the "Master Loaf". I am now officially licensed to freely use words like "gluten-cloak" and know what I'm talking about! It was so easy and looked amazing. Unfortunately, it is not pictured here though, because at the very minute that it came out of the oven, Rob got home. I am not sure what happened next....I remember a clattering of silverware, a grab for the butter dish and then it all went dark. When the flour finally settled he AND the loaf were gone...Loosen your belts, I've got more dough!


  1. I can't imagine what they ate; the ones in the pictures are lovely.

  2. Oh I am clapping over here! They are lovely little loaves! I want to learn!

  3. Wow - those look fantastic! We need a lesson at the next MOPS!

  4. seriously we should go into business!!

  5. Love the bread! I'm with Jackie on having a lesson at MOPS. Would you be ready for our next meeting 4/14? I'm serious! Get with me!
