Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Behold....The Braid

I like to bake. Let's be clear...I like to BAKE, not COOK. I have this theory that all of life's problems can be solved with baked goods. Oh, you're having a party? I can make dozens of cookies for that! You stubbed your toe? Good thing I have this pie in my purse! Your car won't start? Here have a cupcake! World Peace? No problem, I have just the recipe.....
Today was my table's day to bring food for our Mops Group and so I got to make an Apple Danish Braid and German Chocolate Cupcakes. I'll show you my braid, but the cupcakes weren't very pretty. Tasty, but not very pretty. Ding! Oh good, the banana bread is done. Always be prepared!


  1. wow. And I thought I was obsessed! I made bread and carrot cake today, neither look as stunning as the braid.
    Missed you today! Anna's eyes are looking much better today.

  2. everything you brought was so yummy! i like your life's theory. i'm going to come up with a problem so you can bake for me!!

  3. finally I can post! it's been fickle for two days. yumm food!!! okay I am done. : )

  4. everything you bring is always so yummy and looks awesome !!
    you inspire me :) !!!!!!
