Friday, February 27, 2009

Uhh..Cole, did you see which way Gumby went?

So sorry, Pokey. There was nothing I could do.

Yesterday was our little neighbor girl's 4th birthday. She was sweet enough to bring over cupcakes for our family and you'll never guess what color icing they had.
Cole and cupcakes are always a challenge. He eats the top 1/4 without any problem, but then fights me on the "stump" consumption.
I mean I actually run drills with him before I give him a cupcake. It usually goes something like this..
Me: What are you gonna do?
Cole: eat the cupcake.
Me: I can't hear you.
Me: How much of the cupcake?
Cole: all of it.
Me: I can't hear you.
Cole: ALL OF IT!
And then I tend to give up and just give him icing on a spoon.


  1. Icing on a spoon keeps kids Caallllmmm. heh!

  2. The stump! That's great. My husband is the one that has the stump problem here. he breaks the cupcakes in half and frosts both halves. So bad.
