Friday, February 20, 2009

Ice Cream for breakfast

Today when the kids got up, I told them that it was "Anything You Want For Breakfast" Day! They were extremely excited. The twins immediately knew that they wanted ice cream sandwiches, while Cole enjoyed a big bowl of cocktail peanuts. Kasey even got in on the action when she repeatedly refused her applesauce and said "eat" to a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. No worries, I will counteract it all with a carrot later....


  1. I had a fit when Casey told me he used to have ice cream for breakfast... apparently I'm the meanest mom ever!

  2. Surely not THE meanest..Maybe you're just second.

  3. WOW cool idea! We have had ice cream for dinner before (go to Fuzzy's, no clean up) but not breakfast. I'm sure the looks on their faces were priceless.


  4. Awesome. I love it. You are so creative.
