Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ship To: Galmi, Niger, AFRICA

And he's off! Today Rob left on a Medical Missions trip to Niger, Africa. He is so excited and appreciative of the support that he has received in order to go on this adventure. The last couple of days have been busy with final preparations which included copying, banking and several Emergency Wal-Mart Runs. (These are in addition to the DAILY pilgrimages I make to "the Big Box"...). Last night we did the actual packing, which was loads of fun. Rob spent a lot of time on the scale while holding a variety of very heavy luggage. Then he'd hop off and we would reconfigure and discuss the possible options...
~Do you think that you using the bathroom will have any effect on the weight of your luggage? No?
~Rob, honestly.....clothes are so overrated in probably don't really need ANY of these pants.
~If the square root of 9 is 3 and x is equal to 7, then.........
~Hmm...perhaps if we took out 1 sock, a battery and squeeze out 1/2 the tube of toothpaste, you will make weight.
In the end we were able to fit in the necessities and send him off without having to leave too much behind...except for the pants of course.


  1. Have you seen ? If you need a copy of the "Galmi: No Regrets" DVD, let me know.

  2. How are you surviving without him? Glad you got him sent off with all the necessities!

  3. I am laughing out loud! You guys are to funny. I'll keep you and the kids in my prayers. Okay him too. Not that your job is any less scary. heh heheh.
