Monday, March 2, 2009

Hey, Wait a Second...That's not Fun Dip!

I have a small addiction.....Nothing illegal or potentially life threatening, but an addiction nontheless. On Valentine's Day Rob came home with this economy box of Fun Dip. Apparently he insisted that some poor soul venture into the bowels of the Rite-Aid stockroom in search of a brand new, unopened box. He then set to work checking for full "stick-stability"...I hate it when the sticks are broken..... So he brings home this box and I am thinking "Oh Boy" and was perfectly satisfied with my Valentine's gift. Well, over the last week Rob has been insistant, almost to the point of annoyance, that I eat the Fun Dip faster. I'm thinking...geez, it's not bad enough that you're an enabler, but just give me a couple days...Finally, on Friday night, he couldn't take it any longer and had me rummage through the box. My real Valentine gift was a gift certificate for a massage, buried within the Fun Dip. He was so worried that it would get lost while he was gone on his trip. He also acted mildly offened that I thought that all he would get me for Valentine's Day was the candy!


  1. really I got nothin for v-day. Oh but I guess we are talking about you here on your blog. I did get fuzy and prickley kisses though. Thats to funny!

  2. oh my goodness that is the sweetest thing ! everytime i walk by fun dips i think of you :)

  3. what a creative idea! i'll never look at fun dip the same way again!

  4. That was very sweet of him! Amanda, I don't think I got anything either.

  5. I love candy! What a great gift. I would be so happy with candy I wouldn't have looked for anything else in the box either.
