Monday, March 23, 2009

Burn, Baby, Burn....

On Saturday I spent the day at the Grace Baptist Ladies Event. It was a wonderful day. I attended 3 sessions: Organizing Basics, Pottery Painting and You May Or May Not Make It Out of Here Alive (a.k.a. Soap Making). Let me just say that I only signed up for Soap Making because my other friend wanted to be in it, but of course, she didn 't end up being in my class.... The first sign of trouble was when Nancy and I looked into the classroom window and saw lots of safety goggles and rubber gloves. She says, "Huh...Looks like a high school science lab in there". I agree, but am more concerned about the fashion disaster that I am in safety goggles and the permanent notch that they leave embedded in the top of my nose. So I go into the class, find my station and look down at all my materials, which, to my delight..., include something with a huge SKULL AND CROSS BONES Label attached. Oh, Brother..... Lye, people, it's Lye. Burning, irritation, don't inhale....and I was wearing my good jeans! The class proceeds and we all stand around stirring our "buckets o'death" when it is time to decide what type of scent the soap will be. There were 3 choices, we all had to make the same scent, so we voted. Cucumber Melon won. Totally Fair....but not for some. I am telling you that an absolute brawl almost broke out between a number of "older" church ladies. It was getting pretty ugly. All the while I am standing there smiling and thinking, "You are going to go home and rub this on your "nether-regions" surely anything smells better than that!" Finally, we were able to talk-down the fiestiest of ladies by just letting her smell the other choices. That seemed to work. I made it out in one piece with my 2-lb bar of Cucumber Melon soap and was able to cut it up last night. Now it has to dry, but will be ready for human consumption, I mean, usage, in 5 weeks. Mark your calendar people, shower at my house!


  1. I want to write something witty in reply, but nothing is funnier than you writing "nether-regions".

  2. I thought it was cheese! Knowing its not food know I don't hink I can come. ; )

  3. no? know? now?
    stupid pregnancy brain is already setting in?!?
