Monday, March 16, 2009

Out of Africa....In with the DIRT!!

Well he made it home safe and sound. Blake and I went down to Detroit on Saturday to meet Rob's plane and bring him home, while Abbey, Cole and Kasey stayed home and made the Welcome Home posters. Oh, we brought him all right, along with a ton of African dirt which seems to be on EVERYTHING! It's this "orangeish" clingy dirt from whence there is no escape. It is particularly bad on the inside ankles of his pant legs, even after repeated scrubbings. I have pulled out my arsenal of laundry cleaning supplies and my trusty copy of "How to Clean Practically Anything", but was unable to find a listing for Uber-Clingy African Orange Dirt. Oh, well. The amazing experience he had in Galmi was definitely worth a couple pairs of Dockers. I have really enjoyed hearing about his time there. He came home bearing great gifts, as well as some fantastic pictures. Well, I've gotta get back to that dirt. My next attempt involves a secret recipe I have concocted that includes a bottle of Resolve, some Drain-O, Lemon Juice and a small flame thrower. Don't want to give too much away...I'll let you know how it turns out.


  1. Glad he's back safe and sound! You keep working on that dirt. Let me know how it turns out!

  2. Glad he is back. What a great experience. Whatever chemical compound you come up with for that stain - be sure to pass it on. I still have trouble with Michigan dirt.

  3. Maybe someone from Okalhoma will read this. I believe they are the state that has orange dirt. I know it would be a lot easier to just throw them out but you are up for the challenge.
    I'm glad Rob is home safe and sound.
