Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A pair of jeans that fits just right...

Have you heard the song "Chicken Fried" by the Zac Brown Band? Well, I like it. It makes me smile everytime I hear it. There is a line in the chorus that says "...a pair of jeans that fits just right..and the radio on..". Apparently my 3 year old son likes it too. Today he came into the kitchen with his little Levi's almost on and says to me, "Hey Mom! Here's MY pair of jeans that fits just right. Can we have fried chicken for dinner?" I about fell in the floor laughing. I will admit that we are a "Crank It, Rock It and Dance in the Kitchen" family, but I honestly didn't think that he'd had much exposure to this song. Just goes to show...they are ALWAYS listening...

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