Friday, March 6, 2009

Good Times...Great Friends!

Not only is Omi in town this week, but so are some other great friends of ours. Jerel has been a lifelong friend of Rob's. He has been in Saginaw for the past month doing a rotation at the hospital. Lisa, Baby Samuel and Joyce (wife, son, mother) have recently joined him to do some house hunting, as they will be moving here in June. We have been able to spend alot of time together and it has been loads of fun. Bonus: Omi and Joyce haven't seen each other for about 6 years, so they had a wonderful time catching up, while the rest of us tended to all the children....So last night was one final visit before they are off to North Dakota tomorrow. The night went fine until a small fight, then chase ensued, but I was FASTER and was able to get away with my mixing bowl/spoon and throw together a 1/2 batch of peanut butter blossoms to enjoy before they left! I'm telling's a sickness.....


  1. MMmmmm peanut butter blossoms!

    Your mom is so cute! So glad she could come hang out with you while Rob is off saving the world.

  2. whats the cure for baking. It has to be more baking I'm sure!

  3. Kyleen, I just found out you had a blog. I've read some of your posts and have been having a great laugh. I would have continued but I'm going to save some of your older ones when I need to smile.
    Your mom sounds like a lot of fun. I'm sure you and the kids had a great time with her here.
    I hope Rob is still doing well.
    Thanks for blogging!
