Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Magical Mystery Shower

We have 2 showers in the house. The new downstairs shower, which is MINE, and then the main level shower, which now belongs to the kids. The children get a little leary and seem to scatter when it's bath time, because they know it is going to be a "crap-shoot". Yes, we call it "Crap-Shoot Shower" (not THAT type of crap, the Vegas kind...). The water in this shower has a mind of it's own. No matter how I adjust it, it will randomly change while I am washing the kids. I mean, of course you can set it to either Arctic Blast or Boiling Lava, but anything in between is a risk. I have made sure that the washer is off, no toilets are flushed, etc...but it doesn't matter. So when the kids get in, we usually start with a little jingle, that goes like this, "Will it be hot? Will it be cold? That's the mystery...nobody knows". And then we begin...There is the usual shower lingo, "My eyes! My eyes!" and "Do I have to wash everywhere?", but then comes the "HOT, HOT, HOT!!" and everyone runs screaming to the other end of the tub while I try to readjust. It's such a pain and I feel bad....but it's just a little bit funny too.....

1 comment:

  1. I can hear similar comments coming from my bathroom. Usually mine is related to shampooing the hair. Some times this age is interesting because they want to do it themselves but are not always able to do a clean enough job on their own.
    Our water pressure is not great but at least it is consistant. The drain on the other hand is a different story. We been using denture cleaner in the drain ever so often and it has helped to keep the drain moving.
