Thursday, March 5, 2009

Omi's Back in Town...

Can I get a "whoop! whoop!"? There was excitement at the house today as we anxiously awaited the arrival of my mom, Omi, from Iowa. She has come to visit and help out while Rob is away. Omi always arrives with this big basket of treats and surprises for the whole family. It is so fun to watch her hand out everyone's goodies. Some of the top favorites this time are a magnetic map (includes Africa), glitter twirling batons (which will inevitable turn into swords) and a can of easy spray cheese. This "easy cheese" seems of great interest to Cole, who managed to get away with it last night. Fortunately, I found him before he could get into it with some child safe scissors (good luck with that...) I am sure we will have a wonderful time during her visit. She is always such a tremendous help to me. You know, even mommies, need their mommies sometimes...


  1. I swear I left a witty comment here once already!?!

  2. Easy cheese - I haven't eaten that in years. Brings back great memories! Who needed crackers - we would just squirt it in our mouths.
