Sunday, March 15, 2009

Curious Cole and his identity crisis...

Cole has been a curious little fellow this week. The conversations I have with him are so funny, but often make me wonder...
Tangent Alert:
In my toothbrush holder I have one of those Reach Flossers, you know, "floss on a stick". Let me just say that I have it there just so people will THINK I am dedicated to flossing, however, I am not. I may in fact be the world's worst flosser. This "floss on a stick" is supposed to make it more convenient for me and the other anti-flossers out there, but does not. (tsk...tsk...from Kara, I know).
Now back to Cole:
As I am getting ready the other day Cole comes into the bathroom and we have the following exchange:
Cole: Hey Mom. What is this?
Me: It's for your teeth. It cleans between them, like a toothbrush.
Cole: Hmm? Does it pick your teeth out?
Me: No, just between them.
Cole: I want to pick all my teeth out with this, so that I will grow big teeth and talk like a MAN!
Me: Ouch....

Another day this week, Cole came through and said:
Cole: What is that black thing on your leg?
Me: That's a tattoo.
Cole: A Ta-Poo?
Me: No, a tattoo.
Cole: Did you get it at the tattoo place, where they put tattoos on your legs?
Me: Yes.
Cole: When I get big, I am going to go to the tattoo place and get a tattoo so that I can be a GIRL!
Me: No...No...


  1. I'm sure there is never a dull moment with Cole in your house!

  2. And a shout out to me!!!!!! I love you, too!!
